About Edification

The pace of the Indian BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, Insurance) sector is soaring high with increase in demand for financial services. Edification Academy is a solitary concept where the experienced professionals of the financial market have taken the initiation of imparting literacy and awareness in finance, among the aspirants and enhance their skills in the application of their theoretical knowledge, hence meeting the demands of the industry. Edification Academy believes in analyzing the future needs of the industry and prepare the future of tomorrow, for the future in it’s truest sense. As a Finance Institution it’s key objective is to make Applied Education in Finance, accessible to the highest extent, for a further financially educated tomorrow.

Why Edification Academy

Academy offer students the opportunity to customize their learning experience and achieve professional excellence.

Effective Lessons

Interesting lessons alongwith interactive teaching techniques of our experienced instructors will help students achieve excellence.

Informative Quizzes

Questions of various kinds from several topics will be asked to prepare students in every aspect.

Diverse Contents

A varied number of presentations and reports will be provided as demonstration for clarity in comprehension.

Progress Check

Different type of assignments will be given to the students for their self preparation and to determine their performance evaluation.

Enriching Discussions

Prompt conversations and collaboration among fellow mates and instructors will provide all round development to the pupils.

Placement Opportunities

Placement assistance will be provide to students enrolling in our job oriented courses.

Upcoming Batches

Edification Academy
December 12, 2019

Technicals & Trading

Edification Academy
October 18, 2017

Financial Course for Beginners

Edification Academy
October 18, 2017

Certified Research Associate

Edification Academy
October 18, 2017

Relationship Manager Career Program

Edification Academy
October 18, 2017

EIC Evaluation

What People Say

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